Sadowski Intro Adolescents at School, Second Edition : Perspectives on Youth, Identity, and Education
Adolescents at School, Second Edition : Perspectives on Youth, Identity, and Education
Best Lines:
"standards, accountability, and testing movement is based primarily on a view of students as a group - and the notion that if we put the right inputs and apply them in the right amounts, then eventually we'll get the right output..."
"...emphasize the realness..."
Said me: Our future inhabitants are going to laugh at our use of "race."
Do we hold onto the parts of our nature, expression, activities that are celebrated by others?
Do we hold onto the parts of our nature, expression, activities, self that gain attention by others?
Though we are all very unique and individual, can theorist agree that human beings in certain situations "act/perform" the same way 9 times out of 10? And if so, does the institution of social situations alter how students "feel" about certain topics, activities, areas of study? (ie outside of school, a student might love Art, but in the context of a classroom with the overhead of a grading system, and the peer pressure, do students need other activities in order to bring them back into a "cohesive" community "flow?"
What are my students identity related issues? What context are they growing up in?
It makes me wonder what a school based on what kids want to learn and what they want to hang onto would be profound. I keep envisioning a wall of "records" where kids index/post what they've learned and it could be about anything. It doesn't have to exist in the compartment of content, but they could talk about what they learned about themselves, their peer-dynamics, their existence, etc...
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